Crafting flexibility in every quote

We start with

a discovery phase

GreenM recognizes the uniqueness of each project, so we start with a discovery phase.

Our discovery phase extends beyond simply understanding your business.

We work closely with you during the initial phase and delve into your challenges and goals.

Then you choose your pricing model


For clients seeking a clear and fixed-price structure

Time and Material

For projects that require flexibility and adaptation

However, many of our clients find that a combination of both models offers the best of both worlds.

How does it work?

Project-Based Collaboration
MVP is live
Time and material collaboration

We often start with a Project-Based Collaboration to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), allowing you to launch a foundational version of your project quickly.

Once the MVP is live, our clients transition to a Time and Materials model for ongoing improvements, optimizations, and long-term collaboration.

but you’re the one to choose where to start

Project-based plan

Best for short-term projects with defined requirements

small, medium project, or MVP
fixed resources, predictability
long planning, limited flexibility
*Formalities might take a while since everything should be discussed and documented in detail. Plus, if you need mid-project changes, they shall be analyzed and reflected in an amendment agreement to the contract
How it works
  • Confidence in commitment: launch your project confidently with a fixed price, defined milestones, thorough project description set out in a detailed contract
  • Custom solution: know how your problem will be resolved at the first stage of our cooperation, the discovery phase is included as part of our process
  • Quality within budget: stay within budget and focus on your business objectives while we handle project risks and ensure high-quality project delivery

Tell us your project details to better understand what price to get prepared for

Time & materials plan

Best for long-term projects with changing requirements

tricky or large-scale project
quick start, adaptability
unclear time limits, proactive involvement
*The final delivery date cannot be foreseen due to the evolving nature of the scope of work. Plus, you have to be actively involved all the time to make relevant decisions throughout the development process
How it works
  • Transparency: pay for actual hours worked, materials used, enjoying a pay-as-you-go structure, and track the progress, deadlines, and tasks
  • Flexibility: bounce into the process with new ideas or feature requests, make real-time decisions, scale scope up or down as required, and adjust deliverables
  • Faster results: get tailored solutions, swift analysis, and prompt research to accelerate your market entry with our adaptable planning

Get in touch to help you out with giving our estimate as accurate as possible

FAQ: Your questions – our answers

Why should I consider outsourcing my projects?

Outsourcing provides businesses with several advantages:

  • Cost efficiency: By minimizing operational expenses and granting access to specialized skills without extensive training, outsourcing significantly contributes to cost efficiency.
  • Focus on core competencies:  Companies can concentrate on core competencies and strategic goals as non-core functions are expertly handled by external partners.
  • Scalability and flexibility:  Outsourcing offers scalability and flexibility, enabling businesses to easily adjust operations in response to changing needs. This includes the added benefit of accessing a diverse, global talent pool.
  • Risk mitigation:  Risks are mitigated through the sharing of responsibilities with outsourcing partners and the enhancement of business continuity measures.
  • Innovation and technology:  Companies can tap into innovation and the latest technologies, accelerating progress through collaboration with specialized providers.

Thus, outsourcing emerges as a strategic and efficient business move, allowing companies to leverage external expertise, streamline operations, and strategically position themselves for sustained growth and innovation.

What sets GreenM apart from other outsourcing providers?

At GreenM, our distinction lies in our commitment to delivering projects smoothly and on time, placing a strong emphasis on both quality and speed. We prioritize your vision, considering your aspirations as our driving force, celebrating your success as our greatest achievement, and valuing the trust you place in us. Our transparent win-win strategy ensures a collaborative partnership aimed at tangible results and fostering long-term cooperation. Additionally, our adaptability to mid-project changes showcases our commitment to continuous enhancements and innovation.

How do you calculate the project cost?

The calculation of project cost at GreenM is a meticulous process. We immerse ourselves in your business needs during the discovery phase, conduct a comprehensive analysis, find a suitable technical solution, and map out a detailed timeline. The project cost is then determined based on the number of hours required, specialists involved, and presented in a comprehensive proposal.

What are the essential checkpoints in our collaboration path?

Our collaboration progresses through important milestones, defining a transparent and well-organized collaboration:

  • Discovery Phase: In this initial stage, we meticulously define project requirements, assess existing software (if any), and present a tailored solution.
  • Approval: Once the solution is outlined, we engage in discussions to agree on contract terms and dedicate the specialists needed for the project.
  • Kick-off Meeting: This pivotal meeting marks the commencement of our collaboration, where we establish common goals, define timelines, and create effective communication plans.
  • Getting Started: With a comprehensive understanding in place, we proceed by assigning specific work scopes, initiating development activities, and maintaining transparent progress tracking throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Ongoing Collaboration: As our partnership evolves, we engage in ongoing collaboration aimed at growing your business and leveraging innovation together. This phase involves continuous communication, adapting strategies based on emerging needs, and exploring opportunities for mutual growth and innovation.

Are you flexible in adapting to our existing workflows and processes?

Absolutely. At GreenM, we highly value partnership and seamlessly integrate into your team and existing engineering processes. Our flexibility extends to working with your project management software, enhancing transparency in our collaboration.

How does GreenM ensure clear and consistent communication throughout a project?

GreenM ensures clear and consistent communication through a structured approach that includes:

  • Planning Meetings: Scheduled sessions to discuss and plan upcoming project phases.
  • Regular Meetings: Weekly or daily meetings to keep all stakeholders updated on project progress.
  • Checkpoints: Milestones are established to assess project status, ensuring alignment with goals.
  • Pre-release Demos: Demonstrations are provided before each release, allowing for feedback and adjustments.
  • Client Involvement: Clients are encouraged to be fully engaged in the process, with the option to review Jira boards for increased transparency.

What kind of support or maintenance is provided post-project completion?

The support and maintenance post-project completion are tailored to your specific needs, agreed upon at the project’s outset. But it’s important to note that while we’re always available for any queries or adjustments, our aim is to design products that don’t require constant support. We’re fully committed to the continuation of our partnership, but with a focus on ongoing development to improve and enhance your project or product.

What steps are taken to ensure a secure environment for our project and collaboration?

At GreenM, security is paramount in our projects and collaborations. We adhere to strict policies, conducting thorough static code analyses and peer reviews. Our practices include encrypted storage, up-to-date frameworks, and secure local development setups, ensuring a resilient foundation that prioritizes the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Tech solutions we provide

Data engineering

Lay a solid foundation by designing, building, and optimizing data pipelines and infrastructure to ensure seamless data flow, storage, and processing

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BI & data analytics

Transform your raw business or performance data into actionable insights, getting key metrics visualization, advanced predictive analysis or tool audit

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MVP development

Bring your software ideas to life with a robust Minimum Viable Product to draw attention of your first users and grow your business, enjoying a faster market entry

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Cloud & DevOps

Unlock new levels of agility and scalability with CI/CD pipelines setup and maintenance, cloud migration and development

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AI transformation

Empower your business with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, optimizing your processes and driving growth

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Technology consulting

Get consultation on how to choose the right tools for your business, optimize your existing software performance, and estimate your new infrastructure cost

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Key technologies

Data engineering
Apache Airflow
Apache Spark
Apache Hadoop
Apache Hudi
Amazon Glue
Amazon EMR
Cloud providers
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure
Analytics & databases
Amazon Opensearch
Amazon Redshift
Web platforms & frameworks
Express JS
Nest JS
.NET Core
Node JS
Frontend frameworks
Angular JS
Ember JS
React JS
BI & visualization
Amazon Quicksight
Power BI
Apache Airflow
Apache Spark
Apache Hadoop
Apache Hudi
Amazon Glue
Amazon EMR
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure
Amazon Opensearch
Amazon Redshift
Express JS
Nest JS
.NET Core
Node JS
Angular JS
Ember JS
React JS
Amazon Quicksight
Power BI

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