On-Demand Healthcare – Latest Health Tech News

Governments globally invest in digital on-demand healthcare solutions. Investors do too. In Q1 2021, digital health startups set a new investment record – $6.7 billion, which is twice as much as the last year.
Adopting on-demand healthcare solutions is skyrocketing as well, proving a greater customer need for quality healthcare solutions. An Amwell physician-patient survey found that more than a half of consumers plan on using on-demand telehealth services in the future and almost all doctors plan on providing those too. With this in mind, it’s the right time to think about developing and/or growing an on-demand solution.
On-demand healthcare trends and opportunities
According to the Cleveland Clinic CEO, on-demand healthcare will affect the industry in the future, given the convenience of these solutions and their powerful outcomes. This allows for healthcare to be more global and deliver fast treatment in rapidly developing specialties (e.g., oncology). Scheduled telehealth visits, access to top specialists and virtual chronic care management are all here to stay. Opportunities for businesses and data projects will grow too. Services such as personalized healthcare, analytics tools that spot health changes and digital mental health tools see a clear growth in their use and higher demand among both patients and practitioners.
Read more: The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic CEO points to telehealth’s future

Digital hub for continuity of care
Simple, yet effective – a digital hub for patients was introduced by Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Within the software, patients can manage their appointments, have doctor visits and even chill in the virtual waiting room. Quite importantly, the hub was developed and utilized relying on the patients’ feedback and surveys to ensure it suits their needs. This is just one among the many steps the hospital trust in the UK is taking to improve its digital services delivery. Later on, they plan to implement clinic letters, discharge summaries and other care plans in the hub.
Read more: Hampshire Hospitals introduces a digital hub for patients
Connecting doctors and patients
Medarrive’s is a service company extending care services into patient homes and providing on-demand emergency visits. They act as providers, a link between patients, physicians and EMS professionals at a fraction of the usual hospital costs. The idea is quite simple – a patient schedules a visit through their platform, Medarrive dispatches a provider, and soon enough, a licensed EMS professional arrives at a patient’s door. The service is getting a lot of attention from the healthcare community due to their revolutionary approach. Now, they also provide on-demand COVID-19 vaccination at home.
Read more: Why home is more than just where the healthy heart is
On-demand app for heart failure monitoring
A new monitoring app has been introduced by Salford Care Organization, designed by Dignio. Its unique feature is a remote monitoring system (combined of an app and bluetooth devices) to support heart failure patients. The patients can be monitored directly from home and self-manage some of their care, such as weight, blood pressure, etc. Video or in-person consultations are a part of the process in case some of the measurements are off. Such tools give patients the ability to engage in their own healthcare more, as well as provide better knowledge about the disease itself.
Read more: Salford Care introduces new remote monitoring app for heart failure patients
Sink or swim strategies for on-demand senior care startups
Senior care is one of the most common on-demand software developed today due to the growing elderly population. The pandemic brought their struggles to light even more with this population being affected the most. Though there are many startups entering the field, only a few stay. With such vast competition, startups must have a strong strategy in place. Before launching, startups should understand how they can offer high value propositions to the customer, look for ways to develop with easy scalability in mind and show pilot tests and MVPs to investors to prove their ability to deliver a product with high patient satisfaction rate.
Read more: Built to Last: Why Some Senior Care Startups Stick — and Others Fail
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