Our front-end developer used Angular for visuals and website functions, since this framework is easily integrable with other systems. The client software was created using Angular as well and hosted on Amazon S3 via Amazon CloudFront.
The public database it gets contains the CMS data on claims and risk scores based on each doctor APIs, which could be queried directly without having to contact practice groups. It also has a list of PCF services and hard-coded rates.
This provides data for AWS Lambda, where calculation is performed with Flask Python framework and Pandas. Specifically, these calculations with the data are performed to better showcase the benefits of one system over another for a specific clinician practice, including calculating estimated yearly revenue (comparing PCF vs. FFS), components of the PCF yearly payments and average estimated per-visit payments (PCF vs. FFS).
All calculations were performed on the fly using data from the public Socrata database.
We used GitHub actions for CI\CD and AWS Lambda for API layer with public endpoint (AWS CDK) for deployment.
The automation of this MVP solution provided significant value in establishing our partner’s credibility in the Healthcare Analytics market. By showing that medASTUTE could take a concept from a business problem to a functioning solution in such a short period, the company proved that its vision for delivering value to its clients and partners was viable.
In addition to delivering a valuable calculator for this government program, medASTUTE identified two other markets (telehealth and essential Medicare services) and prototyped solutions for both markets. This has led to much larger market potential for our partner’s services.